Chronic Fatigue Sindrome & Septithe at Audio Foundation, 25th of Feburary

Please join us on Sunday 25 February at 6.00pm for an early evening sonic soirée featuring the talents of:
Chronic Fatigue Sindrome, who play ‘the pain and fatigue of the musical doom disease while the disease plays us.’
((((Septithe)))), a trio hailing from Auckland’s outter-inner suburbs of Morningside & Pt Chev, both key locations of Auckland’s burgeoning BBQ-Doom scene. Septithe tithes any/all profits to The Aunties
Sliding cover-charge ($5 – $10). Crudites + dips will be provided for your snacking pleasure.
Audio Foundation is at Parisian Ties And Belts Sub-Basement/4 Poynton Terrace, Auckland 1010. There's a Facebook event.